Transition Resources Website Redesign


This project was developed on my User Centered Web Design class in a team of 5.

Original Website:


Domain: Non-profit organization, Mental illness & homeless

About Transitional Resources (TR):

  • Mental health center and residential facility serving 230+ clients.
  • Helps people struggling with most serious forms of homelessness and mental illness.
  • Highly personalized, human approach to care focused on all aspects of recovery.

Key Issues:

  • Visual design not attractive or aesthetic
  • TR logo only visible on homepage, near middle of fold Convoluted navigation
  • Navigation bar located in awkward position
  • Most pages only accessible through the top menu and some are only accessible through links in page's body.
  • No information geared toward volunteers (other than job postings)
  • Staff info doesn't include pictures or bios

Main research methods:


Additional research methods:

  • Heuristic evaluation (score 56/100)
  • Stakeholder meeting
  • Stakeholder researchm data

Based on our reserch we created the following personas:

We also created a list of the task we are expecting this "personas" to do in the website:

We used card sort method to generate our site map.

  • We asked 22 participants to do the Card Sort.
  • Each card sord included 45 cards

This is our resulting site map:

Paper Prototype

Each of the team members designed their own  paper prototype. Then we got together as a team and consolidated our ideas in a single paper prototype.

Lo-Fi Prototype

Try our lo-fi prototype here.

Then we created a low fidelitity prototype in Atomic. Below are a few screens from our prototype.

Usability Testing

We used our prototype to test it among 4 participants and discovered some areas of opportunity.

Test process:

Test findings:

Hi-Fi Prototype

Try our hi-fi prototype here.

Below you can see a direct comparision on how the information about donations are presented before and after the redesign.



These are the screens from our final design.